Open Wide is a project targeting ‘Widening Participation’ students, who are typically under-represented in areas like dentistry. However, don’t worry if you don’t think you meet the criteria! Whilst Open Wide aims to target WP students, we do not discriminate between WP and non-WP people - wherever we can help, we will help!
To be considered a Widening Participation applicant:
In addition to living permanently in the West Yorkshire region, two or more of the following criteria should be met:
From a household with an annual income of £25,000 or below OR in receipt of 16-19 Bursary Fund or Discretionary Learner Support with income threshold of £25,000, OR in receipt of free school meals during their GCSE studies
In the first generation of their immediate family to apply to higher education
Attends, or have attended, a school which achieved less than the national average of 5 A* to C passes (including English & Maths) at GCSE
Only option is to attend a local university
Studies disrupted by circumstances in their personal, social or domestic lives
Live in a geographical area with low levels of progression onto higher education (check your postcode here)
Living or grew up in public care
This scheme is in accordance with the Access to Leeds scheme which enables the University of Leeds to identify students who have the potential to succeed at university but may not be able to show this through grades alone.